Disc Brake Maintenance
Redoing your brakes is one on the simpler auto maintenance tasks, especially if your car has disc brakes all the way around. That being said, keeping your brakes working is pretty important, so it's well worth the extra time spent to do the job right, rather than stopping at simply throwing new pads on and calling it a day. I've probably redone the brakes on 4 or 5 vehicles at this point, and I've learned something new each time. 1. Brake Pads. This is the most basic step of brake maintenance. Brake pads are usually equipped with a metal clip the creates a high pitched sound when the pads are worn too thin. This signals that they should be replaced before they damage the rotors, or even the calipers. I inspect my break pads twice a year when I swap summer and winter tires, so I usually replace them before they get that worn. When installing new brake pads, make sure they slide freely in the caliper bracket. The new pads should come with new metal shims and packets o...